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  • Kim Lo 羅雅靜 教業中學自修生 獲澳門大學歷史學系取錄

    在中文學校的我英文底很差,面對澳大英文更是束手無策。可是Lawrence卻總會知道一個毫無壓力的環境下教懂你非常有用的答題技巧。三小時的課程令我這個對英文毫無興趣的人也會全程聆聽,然而Lawrence的厲害之處就是他教的作文技巧。我認為這是無敵的。因為這令到我的作文技巧得到了莫大的提升,短短三個月的課程我的英文水平不斷往上提高,最後促使了我邁向了奇跡——如願的進了澳大,現在我可以說:Before  I'm the worst in Macau. Now I'm UMAC student!感謝我的良師益友Lawrence。

    Kim Lo 羅雅靜 教業中學自修生獲澳門大學歷史學系取錄

    在中文學校的我英文底很差,面對澳大英文更是束手無策。可是Lawrence卻總會知道一個毫無壓力的環境下教懂你非常有用的答題技巧。三小時的課程令我這個對英文毫無興趣的人也會全程聆聽,然而Lawrence的厲害之處就是他教的作文技巧。我認為這是無敵的。因為這令到我的作文技巧得到了莫大的提升,短短三個月的課程我的英文水平不斷往上提高,最後促使了我邁向了奇跡——如願的進了澳大,現在我可以說:Before  I'm the worst in Macau. Now I'm UMAC student!感謝我的良師益友Lawrence。

  • Bella Lee 李思諭 濠江中學 獲澳門大學葡語研究系取錄

    這次我能順利考上澳門大學全靠Lawrence的悉心教導,Thank you Lawrence!!!
    Bella Lee 李思諭 濠江中學獲澳門大學葡語研究系取錄

    這次我能順利考上澳門大學全靠Lawrence的悉心教導,Thank you Lawrence!!!
  • Lorraine Yeung 楊璐瑤 珠海市第一中學 獲澳門大學政府與公共行政學系取錄 (獲取澳大優異生獎學金)
    我一直很想上澳大,但聽學長學姐說澳大的英文考試很難,所以我對英文這一科充滿了不安。後來聽朋友介紹,報名參加了Lawrence的英文補習班。正式這一段難忘的學習時光讓我受益匪淺。Lawrence的英語課從來不會讓我覺得無聊,因為Lawrence真的很幽默,每堂課都很歡樂,而且有很多東西要記要學,自然也沒有時間讓我犯困了。我個人覺得,澳大英文考試最折磨我的是生詞,跟Lawrence上了一段時間的課,我的詞匯量增加了不少。他邊為我們解釋閱讀,也給我們講生詞,這樣不僅能學到生詞,還可以知道該怎麼用。課後我教的每篇作文Lawrence也會為我認真批改,特別認真負責,也正是Lawrence的認真負責讓我取得不錯的成績。感謝Lawrence對我的栽培,讓我得以進入理想的大學學習。在Lawrence身上學到的東西以後也會有用處。Thank you!!!

    University of Macau has always been my dream school. But the senior said that the English exam is very difficult. And I was restless about that. This measly condition lasted for a long time until I entered for Dr. Lawrence's English class. It was in this studying period that I obtained lots of benefits. I never felt bored or sleepy in Dr. Lawrence's class because he had always be numerous so that I could focus on the lesson while obtaining a lot of happiness. 

    I found it hard to understand English reading articles because of the vocabularies. After learning from Dr. Lawrence for some time, my vocabulary has been expanded. He never asked us to recite vocabulary lists, but taught us vocabulary by analyzing articles to us. In this way, we were not only able to know vocabularies, but also let us understand how to put them into use. So we can enrich our literary grace on compositions. Incidentally, Dr. Lawrence was really conscientious and responsible about our compositions we handed it. He would do some modification to our compositions so as to make them better. My writing skill has been improved a lot thanks to Dr. Lawrence. 

    I would not have got a high score without Dr. Lawrence's help.

    Thank you for your help. Best wishes!

    Lorraine Yeung 楊璐瑤 珠海市第一中學獲澳門大學政府與公共行政學系取錄 (獲取澳大優異生獎學金)
    我一直很想上澳大,但聽學長學姐說澳大的英文考試很難,所以我對英文這一科充滿了不安。後來聽朋友介紹,報名參加了Lawrence的英文補習班。正式這一段難忘的學習時光讓我受益匪淺。Lawrence的英語課從來不會讓我覺得無聊,因為Lawrence真的很幽默,每堂課都很歡樂,而且有很多東西要記要學,自然也沒有時間讓我犯困了。我個人覺得,澳大英文考試最折磨我的是生詞,跟Lawrence上了一段時間的課,我的詞匯量增加了不少。他邊為我們解釋閱讀,也給我們講生詞,這樣不僅能學到生詞,還可以知道該怎麼用。課後我教的每篇作文Lawrence也會為我認真批改,特別認真負責,也正是Lawrence的認真負責讓我取得不錯的成績。感謝Lawrence對我的栽培,讓我得以進入理想的大學學習。在Lawrence身上學到的東西以後也會有用處。Thank you!!!

    University of Macau has always been my dream school. But the senior said that the English exam is very difficult. And I was restless about that. This measly condition lasted for a long time until I entered for Dr. Lawrence's English class. It was in this studying period that I obtained lots of benefits. I never felt bored or sleepy in Dr. Lawrence's class because he had always be numerous so that I could focus on the lesson while obtaining a lot of happiness. 

    I found it hard to understand English reading articles because of the vocabularies. After learning from Dr. Lawrence for some time, my vocabulary has been expanded. He never asked us to recite vocabulary lists, but taught us vocabulary by analyzing articles to us. In this way, we were not only able to know vocabularies, but also let us understand how to put them into use. So we can enrich our literary grace on compositions. Incidentally, Dr. Lawrence was really conscientious and responsible about our compositions we handed it. He would do some modification to our compositions so as to make them better. My writing skill has been improved a lot thanks to Dr. Lawrence. 

    I would not have got a high score without Dr. Lawrence's help.

    Thank you for your help. Best wishes!

  • Lucia Luk 陸漪憧 內地生 獲澳門大學小學教育系取錄


    Lucia Luk 陸漪憧 內地生獲澳門大學小學教育系取錄


  • Ryan Cheng 鄭若源 珠海市第一中學 獲澳門大學工商管理系取錄 (獲取澳大優異生獎學金)




    Ryan Cheng 鄭若源 珠海市第一中學獲澳門大學工商管理系取錄 (獲取澳大優異生獎學金)




  • Scarlett Lam 林蜜丹 珠海市第一中學 獲澳門大學財務學系取錄 (獲取澳大優異生獎學金)



    Personally, Lawrence's courses have left me with a deep and lasting impression of the five-paragraph essays. In order to express my gratitude. I'd like to use it again to illustrate the reason why I chose WASEDA. Below come my specific points.

    First, seeking for wisdom from an experienced teacher means success. Lawrence has been a professor in the university of Macau. Apparently, he knows about the campus and their majors, which creates a great chance for us to go deeper into UM, especially for those who study in Mainland China.

    Second. a unified team always better than one. The excellent paper or even the essays that contain errors will be shared, and thus we learn from each other and achieve common progress. 

    Third, by feasting in this relaxing atmosphere, we enjoy studying simultaneously. Different from other dull classes, Lawrence taught us in a humorous way. Not only can we acquire knowledge, but also release pressure.

    All in all, the courses in WASEDA does help me a lot. I'm grateful for Lawrence's great help and support. Best wish to Mr. Wong!
    Scarlett Lam 林蜜丹 珠海市第一中學獲澳門大學財務學系取錄 (獲取澳大優異生獎學金)



    Personally, Lawrence's courses have left me with a deep and lasting impression of the five-paragraph essays. In order to express my gratitude. I'd like to use it again to illustrate the reason why I chose WASEDA. Below come my specific points.

    First, seeking for wisdom from an experienced teacher means success. Lawrence has been a professor in the university of Macau. Apparently, he knows about the campus and their majors, which creates a great chance for us to go deeper into UM, especially for those who study in Mainland China.

    Second. a unified team always better than one. The excellent paper or even the essays that contain errors will be shared, and thus we learn from each other and achieve common progress. 

    Third, by feasting in this relaxing atmosphere, we enjoy studying simultaneously. Different from other dull classes, Lawrence taught us in a humorous way. Not only can we acquire knowledge, but also release pressure.

    All in all, the courses in WASEDA does help me a lot. I'm grateful for Lawrence's great help and support. Best wish to Mr. Wong!
  • Suki Chong 鐘梓澄 聖羅撒女子中學(中文部) 獲澳門大學學前教育系取錄 我想入讀澳門大學是許多中學生的夢想,我也不例外。但對於在中文部學習的學生,英文無礙是最大的障礙。在網絡上看到很多thank you letter,讓我深信早稻田能幫助我實現夢想。從第一節課到最後一節,Lawrence都很盡力的幫助我和其他學生,而且上課時不會過分沉悶,也讓我大大提升自己的英文能力。在我準備大學面試時,Lawrence都會告訴我面試的六成,讓我早於準備,免得在面試失敗。最後,我順利考上澳門大學,並且英文成績也不俗,超出我的預期。在此,我衷心感激Lawrence的教導,也祝願報讀早稻田的學生能順利考上自己喜歡的大學。
    Suki Chong 鐘梓澄 聖羅撒女子中學(中文部) 獲澳門大學學前教育系取錄我想入讀澳門大學是許多中學生的夢想,我也不例外。但對於在中文部學習的學生,英文無礙是最大的障礙。在網絡上看到很多thank you letter,讓我深信早稻田能幫助我實現夢想。從第一節課到最後一節,Lawrence都很盡力的幫助我和其他學生,而且上課時不會過分沉悶,也讓我大大提升自己的英文能力。在我準備大學面試時,Lawrence都會告訴我面試的六成,讓我早於準備,免得在面試失敗。最後,我順利考上澳門大學,並且英文成績也不俗,超出我的預期。在此,我衷心感激Lawrence的教導,也祝願報讀早稻田的學生能順利考上自己喜歡的大學。
  • Victoria Cheong 張小玲 教業中學 獲澳門大學英語研究系取錄
    大學讀澳大一直是我的心水目標,但高三知道不能保送後才開始做卷的。記得第一次在課堂上做卷的成績不太理想,按這樣的程度一定會被紅牌出場,所以我就報了早稻田的英文班。我從2013年的11月一直讀到入學試為止。Lawrence的教學十分有效,他會將重要的文法強調,使你能留下深刻印象,而且會將重點劃出來,很多文章文法、重點字、易卡的位、作文、summary分析和寫作技巧,都能大大提升英文程度,更易了解澳大究竟想考什麼。而我把上課mark低的重點都黏起同一本簿上,并命名為【澳大天書】。就這樣,我只看那本天書,英文成績就大大超出我預期的。這就證明Lawrence真係好堅!讓我如願考到澳大,thank you!!!

    Victoria Cheong 張小玲 教業中學獲澳門大學英語研究系取錄
    大學讀澳大一直是我的心水目標,但高三知道不能保送後才開始做卷的。記得第一次在課堂上做卷的成績不太理想,按這樣的程度一定會被紅牌出場,所以我就報了早稻田的英文班。我從2013年的11月一直讀到入學試為止。Lawrence的教學十分有效,他會將重要的文法強調,使你能留下深刻印象,而且會將重點劃出來,很多文章文法、重點字、易卡的位、作文、summary分析和寫作技巧,都能大大提升英文程度,更易了解澳大究竟想考什麼。而我把上課mark低的重點都黏起同一本簿上,并命名為【澳大天書】。就這樣,我只看那本天書,英文成績就大大超出我預期的。這就證明Lawrence真係好堅!讓我如願考到澳大,thank you!!!

  • Vinnie Ng 吳子恬 珠海北大附屬實驗學校 獲澳門大學法學系(日間課程)取錄 入讀澳大法律系是我進入高中生活後最大的夢想,但由於一直在內地讀書,對澳門的考試模式等都不太了解。經介紹與朋友結伴來到早稻田澳大入學專攻班,不僅認識了許多同樣為澳大奮戰著的小夥伴,還遇到一個非常好的老師——Lawrence。不像其他冗長而乏味的補習班一樣。Lawrence上課幽默風趣,很好地將所有重點以一種生動的方式向我們呈現。相信英文作文都是學生們的一道難關。Lawrence給我們講了許多寫作技巧和share了很多優秀範文給我們看。幾個英文班每星期交給他差不多300篇writing他都一一用心批改好交還給我們。現在一起奮戰澳大的小夥伴們都考上了心儀的專業。我也如願進入法律系。十分感謝Lawrence也衷心祝願下一屆報讀早稻田專攻班的學弟學妹能順利入讀澳大!
    Vinnie Ng 吳子恬 珠海北大附屬實驗學校獲澳門大學法學系(日間課程)取錄入讀澳大法律系是我進入高中生活後最大的夢想,但由於一直在內地讀書,對澳門的考試模式等都不太了解。經介紹與朋友結伴來到早稻田澳大入學專攻班,不僅認識了許多同樣為澳大奮戰著的小夥伴,還遇到一個非常好的老師——Lawrence。不像其他冗長而乏味的補習班一樣。Lawrence上課幽默風趣,很好地將所有重點以一種生動的方式向我們呈現。相信英文作文都是學生們的一道難關。Lawrence給我們講了許多寫作技巧和share了很多優秀範文給我們看。幾個英文班每星期交給他差不多300篇writing他都一一用心批改好交還給我們。現在一起奮戰澳大的小夥伴們都考上了心儀的專業。我也如願進入法律系。十分感謝Lawrence也衷心祝願下一屆報讀早稻田專攻班的學弟學妹能順利入讀澳大!
  • Vivi Lao 劉微 內地生 獲澳門大學工商管理系取錄

    Thank you Lawrence!
    Vivi Lao 劉微 內地生獲澳門大學工商管理系取錄

    Thank you Lawrence!
  • Cinny Jiang 江欣倪 珠海市第一中學 獲澳門大學財務學系取錄 (獲取澳大優異生獎學金)
    First, thanks for Lawrence's help so that I can finish the UM exam successfully and get the finance scholarship. Second, I'm so sorry that I have forgotten how to write letter in English now. I still remember the first class that taught reading. I had heard that reading in UM was quiet difficult before that class. In that class, I found that I was unfamiliar with a lot of new words, which made me really nervous because I could not get the main idea of the reading. However, after Lawrence telling us numerous new words and guiding us the right way to do, I finally get my best grades.

    I'm so happy to meet Lawrence in this wonderful English class that helps me a lot.

    Cinny Jiang 江欣倪 珠海市第一中學獲澳門大學財務學系取錄 (獲取澳大優異生獎學金)
    First, thanks for Lawrence's help so that I can finish the UM exam successfully and get the finance scholarship. Second, I'm so sorry that I have forgotten how to write letter in English now. I still remember the first class that taught reading. I had heard that reading in UM was quiet difficult before that class. In that class, I found that I was unfamiliar with a lot of new words, which made me really nervous because I could not get the main idea of the reading. However, after Lawrence telling us numerous new words and guiding us the right way to do, I finally get my best grades.

    I'm so happy to meet Lawrence in this wonderful English class that helps me a lot.

  • CiCi Ip 葉雨詩 珠海北大附屬實驗學校 獲澳門大學工商管理系取錄 In my own experience, English is the most difficult part in the Umac admission exam. Fortunately there is a good teacher. Lawrence, who helps me a lot in this challenging field. Even until now, I still couldn't imagine that I can get 650 in my final exam. I have great improvement through one year's study with Lawrence. The specific and targeted teaching brings an easier and happier class and I really enjoyed it. The writing part, which is the most important part in the exam, is always the most challenging part. However, Lawrence have made everything different. He taught us the basic rules of writing and give us massive amount of good essays as well as the bad one. He also marked all of ours essays carefully, the commands of my essays have helped me a lot. The reason why I want to thank Lawrence is not only because he is professional but also funny! His voice can always attract us to concentrate on his speech. All in all, thank you very much Lawrence. Best wishes for all the students of Lawrence, I hope you can all achieve an ideal score.
    CiCi Ip 葉雨詩 珠海北大附屬實驗學校獲澳門大學工商管理系取錄In my own experience, English is the most difficult part in the Umac admission exam. Fortunately there is a good teacher. Lawrence, who helps me a lot in this challenging field. Even until now, I still couldn't imagine that I can get 650 in my final exam. I have great improvement through one year's study with Lawrence. The specific and targeted teaching brings an easier and happier class and I really enjoyed it. The writing part, which is the most important part in the exam, is always the most challenging part. However, Lawrence have made everything different. He taught us the basic rules of writing and give us massive amount of good essays as well as the bad one. He also marked all of ours essays carefully, the commands of my essays have helped me a lot. The reason why I want to thank Lawrence is not only because he is professional but also funny! His voice can always attract us to concentrate on his speech. All in all, thank you very much Lawrence. Best wishes for all the students of Lawrence, I hope you can all achieve an ideal score.
  • Jammy Chao 曹丹楓 珠海市斗門第一中學校 獲澳門大學政府與公共行政系取錄
    I am writing to Lawrence to express my thanks for Lawrence's help in learning English for the exam of UM. Without your help, English test of UM must become a troublesome.

    During these days in Lawrence’s class, I have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me. First, you let me know what is the exam patter of UM and a lot of exam skills. I think it is very important to pass the exam. Second, the teaching methods of Lawrence are quite different from others. I feel relax and joyful in class, so that I can absorb more and more knowledge in this kind of condition. 

    Lawrence is the one of best teachers I've met. Finally, I hope you happy everyday! And best wishes to you and all of your student. 

    Jammy Chao 曹丹楓 珠海市斗門第一中學校獲澳門大學政府與公共行政系取錄
    I am writing to Lawrence to express my thanks for Lawrence's help in learning English for the exam of UM. Without your help, English test of UM must become a troublesome.

    During these days in Lawrence’s class, I have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me. First, you let me know what is the exam patter of UM and a lot of exam skills. I think it is very important to pass the exam. Second, the teaching methods of Lawrence are quite different from others. I feel relax and joyful in class, so that I can absorb more and more knowledge in this kind of condition. 

    Lawrence is the one of best teachers I've met. Finally, I hope you happy everyday! And best wishes to you and all of your student. 

  • Walter Su 蘇文韜 珠海市第一中學 獲澳門大學工商管理系取錄
    Thank you, Lawrence.
    This is the last time that I have a chance to hand in my essay to you. It's a kind of luck to meet a teacher who is conscientious and humorous like you. So, I write this for you.

    With your help, I was admitted by UM. There is one thing surprised me that my English grade is much higher than my Chinese grade and Math grade. I'm proud of myself and appreciate all you have done for us like marking essay at midnight.

    Every time on your lesson makes me feel like learning as much as I can. People around me were friends who were playing with me rather than enemies who were competing with me. You can always make us relax. 

    To be honest, you are the only English teacher who has a kind of power to make students throw their nerves away in so many English teacher that I have ever met. 

    Thank you, Lawrence. 

    Walter Su 蘇文韜 珠海市第一中學獲澳門大學工商管理系取錄
    Thank you, Lawrence.
    This is the last time that I have a chance to hand in my essay to you. It's a kind of luck to meet a teacher who is conscientious and humorous like you. So, I write this for you.

    With your help, I was admitted by UM. There is one thing surprised me that my English grade is much higher than my Chinese grade and Math grade. I'm proud of myself and appreciate all you have done for us like marking essay at midnight.

    Every time on your lesson makes me feel like learning as much as I can. People around me were friends who were playing with me rather than enemies who were competing with me. You can always make us relax. 

    To be honest, you are the only English teacher who has a kind of power to make students throw their nerves away in so many English teacher that I have ever met. 

    Thank you, Lawrence. 

  • Louise Chan 陳詠深 濠江中學 獲澳門大學學前教育系取錄

    Louise Chan 陳詠深 濠江中學獲澳門大學學前教育系取錄

  • Ryan Yang 楊少銘 內地生 獲澳門大學日本研究系取錄
    澳門大學是唯一在澳門有我想讀的科系的大學,但因為澳大入學試一直對英文的要求甚高,還未進入Lawrence的澳大英文專攻班前,我未曾想過自己能夠進入澳門的最高學府。Lawrence以風趣以及簡單易懂的說明方式來解說各種題型,不但使人印象深刻而且并不沉悶,並且以精確的預測和估量使我們溫習的題型最貼近澳大出卷的方向,最後亦多次提醒我們會錯的地方,已經估量及批改我們的作文。以上的教學真的幫了我不少,當然亦要配合自身的努力,但最大的功勞少不了Lawrence,我十分感謝你! 祝身體健康!事業順利!Thank you!
    Ryan Yang 楊少銘 內地生獲澳門大學日本研究系取錄
    澳門大學是唯一在澳門有我想讀的科系的大學,但因為澳大入學試一直對英文的要求甚高,還未進入Lawrence的澳大英文專攻班前,我未曾想過自己能夠進入澳門的最高學府。Lawrence以風趣以及簡單易懂的說明方式來解說各種題型,不但使人印象深刻而且并不沉悶,並且以精確的預測和估量使我們溫習的題型最貼近澳大出卷的方向,最後亦多次提醒我們會錯的地方,已經估量及批改我們的作文。以上的教學真的幫了我不少,當然亦要配合自身的努力,但最大的功勞少不了Lawrence,我十分感謝你! 祝身體健康!事業順利!Thank you!